On a sad note though, we visited with a less-active named Chervonne and she has been messed up by her friends. She doesn't even believe in Jesus Christ any more. We spent many hours this week trying to help her but so far it hasn't been working.
This picture is from Faux's blog:
Anyway, Elder Barker and I are really glad to be alive today. We had a really close call yesterday while we were trying to go to a lesson in town. Here is a video of me explaining what happened. (Just know that we are both completely okay. I was on the outside and was by far the closer one to departing this life. In my estimation I was only about a foot away actually. If I hadn't jumped...)
Basically the car was going too fast as it went around the corner and the driver lost control. That spun the car around backwards and it slid towards us doing about 75 kph. It slid through the place where I had been standing when I jumped and continued for another 20 feet before it hit a cement wall. By the time the dust settled my heart rate had returned to normal. I'm sure it looked cool to the people who saw it. There was a huge cloud of dust and then two missionaries walking out unscathed. It confirmed the line in my patriarchal blessing that says I will have angels to protect me and that I will have witness borne to me of their watchful care from time to time. The people in the car got out and looked fine so we went on our way.
My last zone conference is on Friday this week. Speaking of the end of my mission, all of the missionaries that came out with me made it through to the end. We'll all be going home on the 27th. (Actually a couple are being picked up).
The scripture of the week is Matthew 5:44-45.