Long story short I stepped into a hole. We were in a place called Denery on our way home from district meeting in Castries on Wednesday. I haven't had an x-ray since I can walk on it without it hurting. It only hurts when I turn (rotate) it. It's not as swollen now as it was in the picture. It just feels tight. It actually feels a little bit like when I tore the ligaments in my left foot but it doesn't hurt nearly as bad as that did.
As far as our investigators go everyone is pretty much stuck at the same place as last week. We did have 7 investigators and 3 less-active members come to church this week. That's the best of any other missionaries in the mission. Actually we have had more people at church than anyone else 4 out of the last 5 weeks. I just wish they were getting closer to baptism!
Baby still hasn't been to church for a while. We are going to give her a "drop lesson" and tell her that we'll come back when she starts coming to church. Hopefully that will help motivate her. At least we can use our time to find someone else to teach.
We have a couple of people that have potential but they just need to start keeping the commitments. Then we'll make progress. Reading the Book of Mormon everyday is a huge one. If they don't read, then there's no conversion.
The scripture of the week is Mormon 9:11-14.