Elder Harris is leaving for Trinidad this week and Elder Lundberg is going to Suriname. They are both excited but nervous. Neither has been to the country that they are going to. I kind of wish I was going to Suriname! Since they are both leaving we will be getting 2 new elders. One is Elder Brenkman and the other is Elder Bowles.
Elder Harris and I spoke in church yesterday. He spoke about the power of truth and I spoke about repentance. It went really well. I think I'm finally starting to get the hang of the whole speaking thing.
We are teaching a new lady named Jerna that is really sweet. She is part of a large family and is really receptive to the gospel. We actually met her mother first but she is a staunch catholic. She doesn't want to come to church so she sends Jerna instead. That's fine with us because they don't have a problem with her going and she is 21 years old. Jerna doesn't like the catholic church! I think that she will get baptized.
Baby is still doing okay. No one in her family is really progressing right now though. If she isn't moving forward no one is. She can't make any progress right now because of her boyfriend Padre. He is a catholic and is a total hypocrite when it comes to talking about the law of chastity with Baby's kids. He thinks that he knows everything and refuses to accept when he's wrong, even when we show him proof from his own Bible!
I call this "All ready to harvest":
Just a quick little note here at the bottom about the picture from last week, I only watched Saturday conference in shorts. It was much more comfortable and it was only with the missionaries.
The scripture of the week is Alma 7:10-13.