The new Elders have arrived in our apartment. They, Elder Brenkman and Elder Bowles, are both from Utah and are quite fun to be around. Unlike the other Elders that have been here for the last few months they know more about sports than just college football or basketball. I can mention just about anything and anyone in sports I want and they usually know what I'm talking about. I am super happy about that!
Elder Barker and I have an investigator named Zala that we have been working with. She hasn't been baptized yet because she has a boyfriend that she lives with and she hasn't been able to find a place to move out to. We fasted with her on Saturday and then we learned at church on Sunday that she found a place late Saturday night that is really cheap. So cheap in fact that in US money it comes out to about $30 a month! The place needs a little bit of work but we should be able to get her moved in within the next couple of weeks and then she'll be able to get baptized!
I was pretty worried the other day that I was going to have to be a district leader again this transfer because Elder Brenkman is our zone leader, but President Gamiette is letting me die in peace. The only DL on the island is in Castries so that means we have to travel up there every week for district meetings. All that extra time in the car will help me fulfill my goal of reading the Book of Mormon 8 times as a missionary. Right now I am in Ether on my 7th time through. This past week I spent a lot of time reading and I zoomed through 203 pages in just 7 days! Hopefully I'll be able to keep that pace up for another week and then I'll be able to take it relatively easy from here on out!
I got my last haircut as a missionary this morning. That's kind of weird to think about!
The scripture of the week is D&C 18:10-16.