Elder Barker, Toya, President Nicholas and Jonathan.
I was excited for my last baptism as a missionary.
Too bad I won't be around for more! The other baptism that we were hoping to have for Cindy (the lady from the hospital) isn't going to work out this week, but she'll be getting baptized soon. She is also moving up to Castries.
The most frustrating thing is that sometimes members do stupid things that they know are wrong. They can be bad examples for our investigators. I'm sure that what happened had an effect on Cindy's baptism not happening tomorrow like we hoped. It's good we have Christ's atonement and can repent!
These are a few pictures from last week:
Remember our Ugly Tie Tuesday? Guess who the winner was!
The Faux's took this picture of us at Sulfur Springs.
I was thrilled at my surprise party at last district meeting. Another great tie!

These are the last pictures of the Vieux Fort Missionaries before Elder Barker & I go home. Elders Bowles, Barker, Brenkmann and Jonathan with Elder & Sister Faux (they will be going home soon too).
We had to end it with a fun one!
For our last couple of days, Elder Barker and I are planning on showing Elder Bowles and Elder Brenkman where everyone we're teaching lives so that they can show the 2 missionaries that are replacing us. We have also started going through our stuff and packing. I would love to take some more pictures but for some reason my camera isn't working at the moment. It was fine on Tuesday but it hasn't worked since. We'll have to get it checked out when I get home this week!
I just found out that my flight to Trinidad on Wednesday goes to Barbados, then Grenada, and then to Trinidad. I'll end my mission with 52 flights! See you soon!
The scripture of the week is 2 Timothy 4:6-8.