We had a cool experience with one of our other investigators. Her name is Cindy. She called us this week and said that she wanted us to come visit her right then... in the hospital. It turns out that she lost the baby that she was carrying (she was 2 months along) and it was making her really sick. They were going to do surgery but after we gave her a blessing everything turned out just fine and she was released from the hospital that night! It was cool.
Last Tuesday was distrit meeting in Castries. It was ugly tie day!

We went to some sulphur springs today. This is one of the nasty black rivers of mud. It was warm!
Elder Brenkman and Jonathan. We ended up getting a lot dirtier. I couldn't take a picture of it though because I didn't want to ruin my camera.
I took this picture of the Petit Piton this morning while we were in Soufriere.
This is the ship that they used in the Pirates movies for the Black Pearl.
You'll be happy to know that I'm not trunky, I'm too busy! But I have found takers for some of my clothes. The rest of it will go to the branch and then they can pass them out to people as needed.
My ankle is doing well, it only hurts when there is a lot of pressure on it and it is twisting. It's getting much better though. The toe is doing fine.
I'm glad the steel pan finally made it. It is as authentic as it gets. It belonged to a pan-maker, named Daniel, who has been in the business for 20 years. It was his own personal pan that he used in performances and shows.
The scripture of the week is Alma 26:35-37.