Super glad to hear about our boys b-ball gold. I knew they could do it. I figured Argentina would get a medal. No one around here thought they would but I was right!
Dad: I made you proud at Zone Conference last week. The AP's (Assistants to the President) asked the group who the first people to climb Everest were. I was the only person in the entire mission to answer that Tenzing Norgay was actually the first person followed by Edmund Hillary."
"We made pizza this week for lunch. It was so good. I still got it. My companion loved it too.
This morning, we were throwing a Frisbee around our back yard and we accidentally hit a fence and the thing exploded. It's in like 10 pieces. It was so cool!
Some of the things people yell at missionaries are just dumb. I had a guy accuse me of being an American Spy yesterday. He just rode up on his bike and wouldn't let it go for like 10 minutes. (We had to duck into an investigators house to get rid of him!) Oh well. That just keeps life interesting!
We should have 1 baptism this week and hopefully have 3 next week. It probably won't work out like that but that's what we are hoping for. The mission had 48 this past week end. That's a ton! Especially since my zone only had 9!
I get a new companion next Wednesday. I am staying in Reliance but someone new is coming in to replace Elder Hamilton. It's a bittersweet feeling but I'm looking forward to finding out who I will be with. I know that we have 2 greenies coming to our zone. That will spice things up a bit around here. I hope that I don't get one of them!!! I'm not ready to train anyone yet. I think I would have a heart attack if I have to train.
The scripture of the week is Mosiah 2:32-41. I'm not really sorry that it's so long because it's so good."