These are quotes from today's e-mail:
"Well, we are up to 3 baptisms as a companionship now. My comp is doing just fine. We get along pretty well most of the time but there are a few moments where I would like to go "hockey" on him."
"We are doing another trade-off this week but I will be staying in Reliance this time. We were supposed to have 2 more baptisms this week but they are postponed. I'll let you know what happens with those."
"Life down here is the same as always. We still have the sun beat down on us, people still yell at us, throw stuff at us... the list of bad things just goes on and on. It's okay though. Every baptism just resets my patience meter."
"Thanks for sending the stuff about the Olympics. It's fun to keep updated."
Scripture of the Week: Luke 15:4-7
P.S. This "Scripture of the Week" came in a seperate e-mail on Wednesday from Elder & Sister Ron Larsen, the couple in Jonathan's area. They also had this to say about him:
"Elder Larson was more interested in telling you he was well and alive and to give you his love that he forgot to give you his scripture for the week. He seems to be doing well and I believe they will have baptisms on Saturday.
Thanks for raising such a strong missionary that is willing to work hard and keep the mission rules."