"I went on a trade-off to Rose Hall on Thursday. It was fun to get to see some new faces. I was paired up with Elder Mundy. He is one of our zone leaders and he reminds me of Tim Jensen a lot. We had a good time sharing stories about all of our high school days of glory. He never played a college sport though. I am unique for that reason. I haven't found anyone else that has."
"I had some fun last night. We got in a little early so I decided to make a cake. It was hard! It was a white cake but that was too boring. So... I whipped up some jello mix and dumped it on the cake while it was still liquid. That made the cake way better because it just absorbed the liquid. It made it nice and moist and tasted like raspberries."
"Discouragement is just part of the game down here. It's okay though. We are baptizing a lady named Leela this weekend. She is Michelle's mom. (Michelle is the lady I baptized a couple weeks ago.) We will hopefully baptize a lady named Sarah next weekend as well as a kid named Ricky. They are both cool but have a problem (like most people down here) of putting in a little effort to come to church.
I have discovered the cure for discouragement though. It rests in last weeks Scripture of the Week. I read it at least once a week!"
This week's scripture is Alma 5:49-51