Elder Hamilton (who has been Jonathan's trainer).
I guess working at Little Caesars paid off!
This is chili with homemade tortillas.
"Today, it is hot, humid and there isn't a cloud in the sky. Perfect weather to go surfing...but I can' do that! :)
Well, my companion and I set a record last week (for our area). We taught 43 lessons! Our transfer total was 205! That is also a record for our area.
I get a new comp this week. I can't wait because I get to retrain him to be a Guyana Elder. He has been in Trinidad for his whole mission and it's totally different up there than it is here. I hope he can handle it! His name is Elder Averet. That's all I know about him at this point.
I'll let you know more next week.
I have one good story I forgot to tell you from last week. We had a wicked thunderstorm come in and our apartment got struck by lightning!!! Elder Hamilton screamed, our light bulb blew up and my fan started on fire!!! It was so cool."
The scripture of the week is D&C 58:26-28.
We received 2 letters from Jonathan over the week end and will add another post dated before this one. So be sure to check back in a day or so.