I finally added the post with the letters we received last week.
To see it, click on the Older Posts link at the end of this one.
"I'm doing alright. I have a new companion. His name is Elder Averett. He seems like a nice guy but he's trying to hard to be my friend. He's trying to be funny and it just comes off unnatural. Oh well.
I've got a couple of cool pictures to send but we ran out of time to do stuff so they will be sent next week.
Glad to hear your reading is going well. I'm in Alma 22. I didn't have much time to read this week because I was living in another area in a threesome with Elders Averett and Jones. Jones' new companion (Rosales) is in the MTC in the Dominican Republic until Wednesday so we have to stay with him."
Excerpt from an e-mail to Jonathan's Uncle Jay:
"I would do anything to have a little bit of cold weather! The weather around here has 2 different seasons. Hot and hotter!
As far as hurricanes go, we don't really worry about them hitting us here in Guyana but the guys on St. Martin and some of the other northern islands worry. We are all required to have food storage in our apartments that would last us at least 2 weeks. So even if one comes we'll be okay. I'm sure it would humble some people around here though.
My area is full of JW's and 7th Day's. It's been fun the last couple of days with the JW's because I got a copy of the "New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures" and I can now prove that Jehovah is Jesus Christ using their own scriptures! It made one lady really mad. Oh well."
This is from an e-mail to Jonathan's friend Jeff who is getting ready to go into the MTC:
"I would countdown but don't dwell on it too much. I guess I didn't fully realize how long 2 years was. I had a major eye opener while I was in the MTC and I was only in for 18 days! It's alright though.
Just tell your parents that you love them every chance you get and don't forget to hug everyone as often as you can. Trust me! I've been out for almost 4 months and the thing I miss most are the people that I can't hug anymore. In fact, if you get the time, (I know you're busy) go give my parents a hug for me!"
The scripture of the week is 2 Nephi 1:20-23. I really like it.