A bunch of missionaries got sick here in Trinidad. 7 of the 12 elders in our zone got sick the day after zone conference. I was among the fallen ones. We had all made it home before anything happened. I think it was food poisoning. I don't know what happened in the south zone.
Things are going alright down here. They would be a lot better though if our investigators had come to church. We were supposed to have 11 people there but only 2 showed up. Those 2 weren't even people that we counted on seeing! We were supposed to have a baptism this weekend but that is not going to happen like we wanted.
We have managed to get a brother reactivated over the last couple of weeks. His name is Brother Walker and we hope that he will come out teaching with us soon. He has come 2 Sundays in a row and has brought his little 18 month old son both times. The kid is awesome! He's a ball of energy but he is really curious. His wife hasn't come back with him yet.
At church yesterday we had an area seventy come and visit us, Elder Alvarado, or something like that. He is a super nice guy. It was sweet because during his talk, he looked at one of our investigators (Steve) and said, "Steve, you're not a member of this church yet but I want you to be and, more importantly, God wants you to be." He then shared a powerful testimony aimed directly at Steve which was awesome! He also told of how it was exactly 22 years ago yesterday that he had knelt down as a 16 year old and prayed about the Book of Mormon and came to know that it was true. It was sweet.
The scripture this week is 2 Nephi 28:7-9.