Claude Remy Gamiette, 40, and Delphine Claudine Ginette Chamoulaud Gamiette, five children, Lamentin Ward, Basse-Terre Guadeloupe Stake. Brother Gamiette is a counselor in the West Indies Mission presidency and is a former district president, branch president and counselor, branch mission leader and missionary in the Florida Jacksonville Mission. Coordinator, Church Educational System. Born in Pointe a Pitre, Guadeloupe, to Sebastien Agnes Michel and Georges Arlette Nichse Montierre Gamiette.
Sister Gamiette is a branch Young Women president and institute instructor and is a former branch Relief Society and Primary president, counselor in a branch Young Women presidency, ward Sunday School teacher and missionary in the Washington Seattle Mission. Born in Angouleme, France, to Patrice Raymond and Claudine Patricia Ginette Cheminade Chamoulaud.
The cover picture on the February 2009 New Era is of President Gamiette's 12 year old daughter, Coralie, "Coco". Click here for the article.