The President Gamiette is here but I haven't really met with him yet. We have interviews on Wednesday and then zone conference on Thursday. There are 24 elders on Trinidad and 2 zones. Our couple, the Palmers are great. They are a proselyting couple and are from Flagstaff, AZ. Sister Palmer is a good cook and makes us cookies a lot.
The baptisms we were supposed to have this weekend aren't going to happen. They got sick and weren't able to come to church. They will hopefully go through next week.
We found one awesome dude to teach yesterday. His name is Michael and he is about 25 years old. He's actually been taught before but he said that the missionaries tried to force him to get baptized. Some missionaries try and really push baptism and don't teach doctrine. He said that he'll get baptized probably sometime next month if he knows it's true. We had the help of 2 West Indies returned missionaries during the lesson. One of them, President Danzell, is the first counselor in the stake presidency. He is so awesome. He was an assistant to President Robision about 30 months ago. (Our ward has 7 returned missionaries. 4 of them served in this mission, 1 in Florida, and 2 in Jamaica. It definitely helps.) President Danzell brought Michael to church yesterday. They work together. We are starting from the very beginning with him. We figured it would be better. He is really smart though and should fly through the lessons.
I thought you'd like these pictures too. The kid is Kyle, we baptized his parents a couple of weeks ago... he's the Ammon story kid.
I haven't found an orthodontist that will be in town to fix my retainer.
I wish we had fireworks here, actually ours was some crazy person letting shots off about 1 mile from a teaching appointment. They wished all of the Americans happy 4th of July in church though. That was funny! We didn't sing patriotic songs this year because my comp hates singing. Elder Williams is from L.A. He was a swimmer in high school. He has done independent study through the Y but he says he doesn't really like the school though, so there's hope!
(We told Jonathan that Michael has grown about 7 inches since he left!) Is Michael going to be able to beat me at sports when I get home? Tell him I have grown about 3/4 of an inch since I left!
The food is really spicy. They love pepper! I have iron insides so no ill effects.
I'm wearing my pedometer and I am averaging about 12 1/2 miles per day. We have a 30 minute walk every day to catch a bus to the area we work in. We really don't do any other exercise, just walk. My legs have shrunk about 4 inches in circumference since I left!
I found an old packet of the missionary discussions and the flip chart. They were sitting in an old filing cabinet in the church. I don't think it had been opened in 10 years judging by the dust on it!
The scripture of the week is D&C 20:17-19.