Sorry we are slow in updating the blog this week. We have been at Lake Powell. We were able to get Jonathan's e-mail on Monday, but the internet service was so unreliable we weren't able to complete
the update.
We asked Jonathan in our e-mail who the people were in the pictures he sent last week. He said, "That picture last week was Michelle's mom. I have found out her name is spelled Leila. It's short for Lillawattie Ramnarine. What a mouth full! The little boy is Michelle's son Randy. Too bad that he broke his arm about 3 hours after that picture was taken!"
"I had the wonderful opportunity to travel to Georgetown this week. While we were there, we got to see some of the Olympics because we were staying with one of the senior couples. We watched the women's all-around event in gymnastics, a men's volleyball game, and Michael Phelps win his 6th gold medal. I heard that our basketball team is just destroying people. I saw something today about a 50 point victory or something like that. It's awesome. On the way to Georgetown, our cab driver had sweet music. We got to listen to Bon Jovi the whole way there and back. It was actually a fun trip. I accidentally left my camera in Reliance at our apartment though. Oops!"
Something funny happened last week after we posted the blog update. Jonathan forgot to send his scripture of the week and asked Elder & Sister Larsen to e-mail it to us since his e-mail time was finished. When Shane received the e-mail he assumed it was from his dad and sent a "Thanks Dad" e-mail back. He realized later that it really came from the Larsen's! We mentioned the incident in our
e-mail and Jonathan said, "The Larsen's said that Dad was confused. They thought that it was pretty funny. I explained to them that Ron is grandpa's name too. Don't you love how confusing some things can be? During our trip to Georgetown, we actually stayed with Elder Larsen's brother. He and his wife are here as missionaries too.
That makes 3 of us Larson's/Larsen's."
"The only food we get to eat is what we make ourselves so it's not
very good. We experiment a lot so at least it's always interesting!
We can eat at peoples houses in any other country but it's banned here in Guyana because a of couple Elders got really sick. So, most people just give us recipes and tell us to go make stuff. We have tried a few and they usually turn out alright. Nothing is as spicy as what I was expecting though. (None of the other elders like how spicy things are... I think they are just wimps!)"
"I'm glad you are reading the Book of Mormon. I am also reading it and I'm not too far behind the schedule. I just finished reading Jacob this morning and I will probably read Enos tonight before I go to bed." (Our ward is reading the Book of Mormon to finish by the end of the year. We sent Jonathan our reading schedule thinking that he could read along with us each week.)
"I want to let you guys know that you can feel free to send me pictures and stuff because it is really cheap to print pictures here.
I can also put them on my MP3 player. I talked to some elders here about mailing packages. They all said to use USPS. If you get on the website, just click on the international links. I did it at the Larsen's this morning and a 5 pound package to Guyana is $34.50 and takes
6-10 days. Just so you know."
I think this is a not too subtle hit that he would like a few more packages. I have also checked with the post office, they told me the cut off was a 4 pound package for less than $40 (over that and the cost really jumps). After how much we spent to send a small package by FedEx, I think we will try the USPS next time!
This weeks scripture of the week is:
D&D 63:23