Monday, March 9, 2009

Luckily we have the Plan of Salvation

I've been a little down for the last 2 weeks or so. I don't know why but I'm working through it. I didn't help that today I found out that another one of my friends (Jordan Goonan) died this past week. That makes 2 since I left on my mission. Luckily we have the Plan of Salvation that lets us know that death isn't the end. It's just a step into another, better, life.

Not many of our investigators look promising for baptism soon. We have 4 people that could any day but they all have to get married. That's not an easy thing to do on this island!

Things are still going alright. I got a little frustrated at Elder Neff a couple of times during the week for various reasons. One being that he dropped one of our best investigators (without forewarning me) just because the guy is a little nervous about proposing to his girlfriend. Needless to say I was extremely unhappy about that!

The other time was yesterday after we got into a heated discussion with a guy named Romero. After the encounter, Elder Neff started saying a bunch of crap about how the guy was stupid and stuff like that. Being a pretty emotionally neutral person I just shrugged it off and walked away. Elder Neff kept going and so I let him know that he was acting just as bad as Romero had just been. I regret to inform you that I raised my voice about a half decibel. Sorry!

Other than that, it's just business as usual. We had a bunch of visitors come to church yesterday. One in particular was a couple from River Heights that are here on vacation. They are the Mickelson's. It turns out that Sister Mickelson knows dad because she works in the hospital!

We have to disinfect the apartment today. All of the apartments are getting disinfected because people are getting boils like crazy all over the mission. I'm immune though, I don't have any. None of the elders in my apartment have them.

I am in Luke 7 and Moroni 8 in my personal scripture reading.

The scripture of the week is Matthew 7:13-14.

This week in the Church News there was an article about the first Stake being organized in Trinidad. Click HERE for the article on the Church News website.