Monday, March 30, 2009

Keeping me here to be a "closer"

I'm sorry that I don't have much time to write today so this will be quick. It is raining cats and dogs here right now so hopefully the power doesn't go out.

It's transfer week! The 3 elders that were sharing the apartment with me have been transfered back to Guadeloupe (now that the riots have calmed down). I heard that they are all stuck on St. Barts on their way back to Guadeloupe. Oh well! Island transportation can be fun!

Our investigators are doing good. We just got a bunch of new ones from the other elders that just left. I think that they will probably go somewhere. President is keeping me here to be a "closer" so that we can baptize all of these people before May 12 when I will leave. It is going to be a good transfer I hope. We were able to teach quite a few lessons this week but zone conference messed us up a little bit.

The week went well but it sounds like I will be staying on the french side until Thursday when my new companion, Elder Kelley, comes in. I'm nervous about having to teach district meetings from now on and I don't know what to do to keep it interesting.

Sorry to hear about Aunt Maurine passing way. Is Uncle Keith doing okay? I think that the idea of the digital photo frame for him was a good one.

I also just got an e-mail from Cam (Jon's hockey buddy, Cameron King, who is serving in the Dominican Republic) which was exciting.

Mystery Solved!

A package from Jonathan arrived this week but it was addressed from Guyana! He left there last October! Anyway, we figured that it had just been held up in the unreliable Guyana mail system. Today Jon provided the solution to the mystery:

I am glad that you finally got that package. I found out about a month ago that it ended up in the Larsen's (Guyana Senior Couple) possession and it had somehow ended up under a seat in their truck. After talking to them they said that they would take care of it and apparently they were true to their word.

The scripture of the week is Helaman 7:7-9.