Milk here in Tobago actually isn't that bad. (Its from Gossner's!)
I had to spend some time inside this past week instead of teaching. I got an ingrown toenail and it got infected. I have been on cipro which has really helped. I have only been allowed out to go to appointments and to zone conference since Friday! I have been walking around in flip-flops and a shirt and tie. That has been pretty fun! I got bored and made a T-Rex.
Well, how was conference? I heard it was awesome. I'm actually in a place so remote here in Tobago that I couldn't watch it. Bummer! We are going to try and download some of the talks from conference tomorrow. Thanks for the information on the new temples. The members down here go to Santo Domingo to go to the temple.
Zone conference yesterday was good but there has been so much focus on being prepared to go teach (studying) and about retention that there isn't time to focus on baptizing and teaching. Guyana only had one baptism this past weekend!
The work is a little slow here but it's wonderful. Things are going well for our investigators. We are baptizing Fay on Saturday! She is excited and so are we. It will be great if it's not raining that morning. The last couple of days it has been really rainy! It has kept it cool though with highs around 78 and lows around 70. For us its positively freezing!!!
I have been reading the Book of Mormon with Elder Ackerman. Our goal is to finish it together by the end of the transfer. We have been going through it and marking it with scriptures to support lesson points that we could use teaching. I'm planning on sending it to you guys when I'm done (for Michael). I figure that it would be something that you can study as you go through Preach My Gospel.
I am pretty sure that I'll be staying in Tobago for another transfer after interviews yesterday. (I was sure last time too!!!) We talked about putting another set of Elders here on the island so I might actually have to teach district meetings! So far they have just been dinner appointments after church when we talk about how the branch is doing. I prefer those!
We saw these fisherman out this morning. Check out the name of the boat!
That's about all. We didn't get out much this week so I don't have much to talk about. The scripture of the week is 3 Nephi 13:16-18.