While I'm thinking about it our zone conference will be next Monday, meaning that e-mails will be Tuesday next week. We are flying over to Trinidad at like 7:30 in the morning and then coming back at 4 the same afternoon. I'm really bummed that I won't be able to go and see the people that I taught and members of the ward. (The Tobago elders usually stay in Port of Spain and go teaching with the Trinidad elders the night before zone conference.)
Our exercise program is going okay. I was pretty sore after the first day of jumping around. The best exercise that we got last week was on Saturday morning when Elder Marshall (a former companion of mine) and Elder Green and their families showed up on the island. They challenged us to some basketball so we played for about an hour. It was fun and Elder Ackerman and I won the best of 5 series.
We are having normal church this week in our branch because we don't have a satellite dish down here. So after church we are going to the senior couple's house to watch Conference.
For our p-day activity we are going to a place called Speyside today. It is on the far east side of the island. It should be interesting. I'll take some pictures and try to send them next week.
Pictures of Elder Ackerman and I planning while the power was out last week. That has been a big problem around here lately! It's annoying!!!
The scripture of the week is Alma 9:26 & 28. I really like it.