Well, things have not gone at all the way that we have planned them to over the last couple of days. Curtis didn't make it to church for an unknown reason so we aren't teaching him anymore. Jermaine is still an investigator but we are hoping to get her baptized on the 20th. I'll send you pictures when it happens. I hate it when things don't go as planned. Her friend is doing alright. I have no idea who she is but Jermaine has been a champ and gave her a Plan of Salvation tract.
Things are pretty busy with President leaving. We've just been given a bunch of other projects that have caused us to stay in the office sometimes as late as 7 or 8 o'clock at night. Things are busy! It doesn't really make it too hard for us though because whatever people dump on us to do I am able to get done quickly. The new president comes in on the 1st so we will have 2 days without a mission president.
I don't know what the family is doing while the new mission president goes to the MTC (he has 5 kids). I would assume that the children would stay home. All new presidents go to the Provo MTC because that is where all of the general authorities and 12 go to speak. All I know is that despite a few personality issues that President Robison and I have had over the last year, I am going to miss him.
I have been thinking about David Heiner a lot this week. I have often wondered how his family is making it through without the knowledge and peace that we have. I have had the thought that David wouldn't have died if he was on a mission. When that thought arises, I wonder why I didn't try harder to get him to come back. I think that I could have done more.
Anyway, we had an interesting morning. We went over to the north east side of the island to a place called Matura where our zone leaders have set up a group meeting every Sunday. They get about 15 people to come every week and they had their first baptism there on Saturday. Our task this morning was to begin building a church for them to meet in. (They have just been meeting under a couple of coconut trees for the last month!) So we spent about 4 hours cutting down bamboo trees and hauling them over to where the temporary church is going to be assembled. I really felt like I was in the wild! It was cool!
If I haven't told you already, I have had "Doubles" a few times now. I couldn't help but asking Elder Romney that if I ordered 2 of them do I call it a "Quadruple". Oddly enough he didn't find that very funny. I had a good laugh at him last night though. We were talking about some of the strange talents that we have and I was telling him about hula-hooping while walking up to an investigators house. He knocked on the door and then proceeded to make fun of the way you have to move your body to keep the hoop up. He had no idea that the lady was standing at the door watching him! We all burst into laughter because he looked like a total idiot.
Well, that's the news. We have zone conference on Monday.
The scripture of the week is Helaman 3:28-30