Sorry about the surprise last week. I didn't expect to get transferred either, usually we have a few days notice. I am all settled in here in Port of Spain. We have a really small apartment but it's okay. It's pretty much right in the middle of the city so it's about 20 minutes from my old apartment. We do a lot of walking but there is a pretty good bus system.
We work mostly in an area called Diego Martin and are pretty much starting over finding investigators right now. David and Pheumia's oldest daughter is 9 and we are trying to get her baptized next week (she is in the pink dress in the first picture). They also have a family friend that's been to church a couple of times that we are working with.
We are part of the Port of Spain ward which is nice. It runs almost like a ward from back home. We have about 10 returned missionaries and about half of the people in the ward have stake callings. It runs smoother than my last ward.
Elder Williams is from Bakersfield, California. (That's where that little basketball team comes from that the Aggies have pounded the last 2 seasons in a row). The missionary with plantar fasciitis is doing alright. He has been going to physical therapy and he should be back on his feet in a couple of days.
The wedding went well last week as did the baptisms. These are pictures of David and Pheumia's (pronounce Fay-me-a) wedding and baptisms:
This picture is from Jermaine's baptism, it was on Saturday too. Luckily I was able to go because it was in my old area.
The scripture of the week is Alma 29:1-3.