These are two pictures that Jonathan took on Guadeloupe last week:
I am doing good. We have a baptism set for this Saturday. Hopefully all goes well and I'll be sending you a picture of it next week. Her name is Nurly (I'm not exactly sure how to spell it). She is 15 years old and from Haiti and absolutely loves coming to church. Her mom got baptized in Haiti about 11 years ago. We are teaching a guy named Lucois (also from Haiti) that could be baptized next Monday if we get permission right before I leave the island.
While I'm thinking about it, President told me about the upcoming transfer. It turns out that I will finally be leaving and I'm going to an apartment to live with Elder Hamilton again (my trainer, he will not be my companion though). I will also have my own car so I'm going to get fat. I will be living with air conditioning which is probably going to be the death of me!!! I hate being cold now. Every time I'm in AC I get all stuffed up. If you haven't figured it out yet I will be going to Trinidad to start my new life as an office elder (big surprise eh?). That will be interesting. So, since I'm leaving the French side of the mission and going back to where I'm supposed to be, I will no longer have to speak French. I guess I will get to be best friends with President until he goes home. He wants me to be there for the switch in 7 weeks when the new mission president comes so I'll probably be there for 4 months minimum. Blah.
Anyway, the scripture of the week is 3 Nephi 13: 5-8. I like it.