Jonathan said that they did not have the baptism on Saturday that they were planning. But he was really excited because they did have a baptism yesterday! They had an interesting experience before the baptism. When they arrived at the church they found that someone had left the font on and there was about 2 inches of water on the floor all through the building! They spent 45 minutes sweeping the water out!

Bottom: The Branch President and others helping.

Jonathan also told us that he will be traveling to Trinidad on Wednesday. He and his new companion, Elder Romney, will be working in the office. He also said that we will not receive an email from him next Monday because while he is serving in the office his p-day will be on Wednesday. All the baptism reports from the week come to the office on Monday and need to be processed. So, beginning next week we will be updating the blog on Wednesdays.
Jonathan and Elder Romney will be sharing an apartment with 2 of the assistants to the president. The funny thing is that one of the assistants is Elder Hamilton, Jonathan's trainer, and the other is Elder Romney's trainer!
We read this note from Jonathan's companion on the mission website and thought we would add it to today's update because it explains how they found the man Jonathan baptized yesterday.
"Elder Kelly – St Maarten
This week, we were really getting frustrated about not having anyone good to teach, and we had dropped most of our investigators for not progressing. So, we decided to have a special fast to ask for the Lord's help in finding people. That same day, we found some amazing people. A humble family of 3, a great younger guy, and another potential priesthood holder who was so excited to hear our message, that the first question that he asked us was "How would I become a member of your church?" ;-) The Lord really does hear and answer our prayers when we show a little faith!"
Here is today's email:
In the office I will be doing a lot of baptism records and odd jobs (computer stuff). We will be in the office on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 10 AM until 3 PM. Before 10 AM is study time. After 3 PM we will track and teach. My only full proselyting days will be Saturdays because Fridays are planning and district meetings and Sunday is always church. One good thing is that baptisms are faster on Trinidad that here. I am apparently walking in to a great baptism next week.
Here is the quote that dad wanted "A testimony is a personal witness or knowledge of the truth's of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ given by inspiration from the Holy Ghost."
The scripture of the week is Mosiah 3:17.