Things are going good here. I noticed on the ward program that you sent that my friend, Eddy Morris, is serving his mission in a place called Searcy, Arkansas. That's where my companion is from! We are going to send him a letter this week.
I made a guy named David a tea this past week out of a couple of his cigarettes because he wouldn't stop smoking them. I had him drink the whole thing including the tobacco left in the bottom of the glass. He had a very miserable night after we left because it made him so sick! I kind of felt bad, but maybe now he can stop smoking.
My first district meeting 2 weeks ago went well. I was going to tell you about it last week but I forgot.
Well, gotta run. I have a district meeting to prepare for tomorrow morning and then to go on my first trade-off as district leader. I have to go help one of the guys on the french side since he is having some problems with his teaching. It's my job to go set him straight. Oh joy...not.
The scripture of the week is Alma 37:6-7. (Sorry I forgot to send a scripture of the week last time).
P.S. I am back down to 149! I'm so skinny now!