Hi Shane and Carole,
We were at the airport to meet Scott at the same time that Jonathan was there with Elder Oliver, the senior Elder, to pick up Jonathan's companion, Elder Kelley, who was coming in from another island. When I came in the airport, Jonathan saw me, and he said to Elder Oliver, I think that's my grandma. Elder Oliver said, "oh sure that's your grandma." Jonathan said, "yes it really is". About then I saw him and ran over and gave him a big hug. It was very neat to see him. Elder Oliver was very nice and he let us take him and his companion that we picked up with us. We went to our hotel and picked up Scott and then we let them pick the place to go to dinner. Jon picked a good place. They had all you can eat barbequed ribs. They were great and they all ate alot of them. Then Jonathan showed us where they held the baptism on the beach, and a neat look off point from the top of a mountain. We ended up dropping them off at their apartment which is a little drive from the airport.
After driving around a little yesterday, Ron commented he gained a whole new perspective of Jonathan's mission. People may think he's on this beautiful island, but it's pretty 3rd world in alot of areas. I can imagine it being a very hard mission on this island. Jonathan said it was one of the nicest places in the mission, but I can't imagine how some of the other places must be.
He's doing good. I hope we left him and his companion with a good feeling. This morning I twisted my back just wrong getting out of bed, and I was in so much pain I couldn't even bend over to put on my pants. I had to have Ron hold them while I put my legs in. Anyway, I had one Ibuprofen, and it really helped, but I had to keep taking them, which is going to get my stomach hurting. So Scott asked Jon and Elder Kelley if they would give me a blessing, which they did. Jonathan gave me a wonderful blessing. I really appreciated it and I'm sure it will help me get through this trip. Before we left Scott asked them if we could leave them a word of prayer. They agreed and Scott asked it. They've had so many changes in their week with all those missionaries being there and then all the trips to the airports to get the elders where they were all going, that they haven't gotten alot done. But one good thing with all those missionaries being there, a lot of contacts were made and so him and Elder Kelley have follow ups to make.
We took lots of pictures and so did Scott.
Well, just thought you'd like to know. You have a wonderful son, and he's doing great. We gave him hugs for you.
Love, Mom and Dad