Things are going great down here for us in St. Lucia. It rained today for the first time in about a month. We are in the middle of their worst drought ever and people are really starting to freak out about it. I don't really care if I have to take a shower using a bucket and a cup. It's not that bad. Besides, I can heat the water in the bucket whereas the water out of the pipe doesn't get warm until about 11 AM. That's because we have one of those solar water heaters. I used to think they were a good idea! After 2 months of cold showers I think whoever invented them was an idiot!
Elder Barker and I are getting along fine. We are working with some great people right now. Baby, Christine and Juaka are all doing well. We are planning on having them all be baptized on the 28th after church. It would be awesome if it happens. Most of our other investigators are brand new or are from part-member families so there isn't much else to tell you about them this week.
We had a youth activity on Saturday and I was teaching the kids how to skip rocks. It was fun. (This picture is from the Fauxes' blog from the branch youth activity. We're not 100% certain, but those bright blue shorts and that grey t-shirt look very familiar!)

Elder Barker and I did have a great week of attendance. We had 6 investigators and 4 less-actives at church. That was the best out of anyone in all of the islands. The branch itself is averaging about 50 people a week right now. A couple of weeks ago we had 70 but that was a 1 time thing. We also had 64 one week too. Most of the people who come are locals. There is only 1 couple and Sister Penrose that aren't from here other than us of course!
This morning we played beach volleyball and it was pretty fun. I was extremely rusty but my team dominated because of the play of their outside hitter (cough, cough, me, cough). I had something stuck in my throat there for a minute. We are spending the rest of the day hanging around in Castries because we have a zone meeting in the morning. My zone leader, Elder Prince, is awesome. He is also a hockey player! He played for Weber State before he came out to the West Indies.
The toe is doing good. I thought a couple weeks ago that the nail was starting to grow back but I don't think so right now. I have trouble keeping it clean sometimes but I am careful to wash it well and put the drugs on it. The other toenail that was ingrown has been taken care of.
Too bad the Aggies got beat Saturday. I am super stoked that they still got into the NCAA tournament. The first round against Texas A&M should be a good game. Go Aggies!!! USU Aggies of course, not those A&M Aggies.
The scripture of the week is Mosiah 3:19-21.