The Patois is coming along okay. I think I have got all of the possible insults that they can come up with memorized. Now the trick is learning how to say something positive back.
The new ingrown toenail has been taken care of. The toe that was infected that I came home for still has the crust on top of it. I am anxiously awaiting the day when I see the nail.
We did hear that the Saints won the super bowl. In fact, we were talking to our branch president late last night (he's our neighbor) and he had it on in the other room. He's English and he has a DVR. We heard the roar of the crowd when the Saints picked off the pass and ran it back to get the score to 31-17. He made us come watch the replay with him because he was so happy about it.
We did have one problem occur this week. One of our investigators got up during testimony meeting yesterday and confessed her love of Elder Morris to the whole church. I almost died! Unfortunately I had to call the zone leaders and I am pretty sure that he will be getting an emergency transfer out at any moment. It probably won't happen until after zone conference on Thursday.
I went on a trade off with our district leader on Saturday and it was fun. We are going on another one tomorrow but I'll be with his companion, Elder Lundburg, which I am excited for because he is the one from Logan.
This is from last week's service project. I got pretty good at cement work!
A beautiful sunset.
A fun rainbow after a good storm.
One of the famous St. Lucia Piton's.
The scripture of the week is 1 Nephi 18:3.
This is a quote from the Faux's blog this week:
"Sorry we did not get any pictures of our elders this week- we must be getting lazy. We want you to know they are still working, still handsome and still make us have a happy day when they come to our apartment. I don’t recall if I have told you about the elders we have now. We still have Elder Welch and Elder Morris and they have been here for some time, I am betting that the next transfer they will be moved... They are good men and good to be with... We also have Elder Lundberg from Logan, Utah. He has been serving his mission for one year and is a nice young man that we enjoy and we are glad he is here. Elder Larson, from Logan also, will be going home in May and is a very polite and nice young man. He did go home a short time ago for a month because he had a bad infection that could not be taken care of here. They both brighten up life and we enjoy each of them. A couple of things the elders say that is interesting are “I love them bad” and “we will be seeing you just now“-which can mean up to an hour."