We pretty much have the same investigators but they have all stalled at the moment. None of them came to church yesterday for a variety of reasons. One of our former investigators, a guy we were teaching about a month ago, saw us and asked us when we were going to come by his house again. We told him that it would be when he came to church. He said he couldn't come this week because he is currently out of "perfume". That is the worst excuse that I have ever heard! (And I've heard some pretty bad ones!)
We have heard all about Haiti. In fact, Elder Damm and I heard about it roughly 5 minutes after the earthquake happened because we were teaching a lesson to some Haitians right when it was happening. All of their friends started calling with the news. We had a tsunami warning at night but they called it off just a few minutes after they released it. I'm glad to hear that Mandy (one of the nurse that went to Guatemala with Jonathan was in Haiti when the earthquake happened) is alive and mostly well. I've heard far too many terrible stories about people who have lost loved ones in awful ways over there this past week. I think it was missed in the US because of the Haiti quake but there was also a 5.6 magnitude earthquake in Venezuela this week as well!
We heard from the Dominican Republic mission president yesterday that all of the Elders are safe there. (One of Jonathan's best friends is a missionary there). Their mission president took his scooter out and rode around until he found all of them! All of their church buildings are standing and pretty much completely fine. Oh when you work for the Lord!
Transfers are thus: I am going to St. Lucia on Wednesday to be in a city on the south coast called Vieux Fort. I am really excited! I was supposed to be the zone leader but President decided to put we with an Elder that has been really struggling. Neither of us wanted me to have to deal with all of it at the same time. That pretty much means that I won't have to be a zone leader! That is fine with me. I know some missionaries really want that job but I don't! I will miss Elder Damm, we had a good time being companions. This is a video of one of the many interesting things that we did together.
Our Conch BBQ!
I'm super glad to hear that the Aggies are starting to look better again. Elder Oliver in Trinidad sends me an e-mail occasionally to let me know what's going on and the last thing I heard was that they were doing terrible. I hope that they keep doing well because I want to hear good news in March!
(We try to keep Jonathan updated on his friends. We tracked down one friend who is now home from his mission and forwarded him an email from another who serving in Guatemala). Thanks for trying to get a hold of my friend for me. I hope that he gets his head on straight and is alright. Breaking the Word of Wisdom is just stupid! I don't understand why anyone, especially a returned missionary, would want to do that! I totally agree with what Rob said in his email about it being easier to talk about following and teaching by the spirit than it actually is. It makes it even harder when everyone you see is breaking a serious commandment like here on St. Maarten!
I'm excited to read the book that I gave Dad for Christmas. Sorry that some of the content was a little questionable. That's really how the Caribbean is. We just have to deal with it and not get sucked in ourselves!
My toe is still doing fine. The shoulder is still tender. I'm trying to rest it but it's not an easy thing to do! I do have a new problem as of this morning though. I have another ingrown toenail on my left foot! It is on my 4th toe on the lateral side of the nail. It is going to be a real pain, literally and figuratively, to get it out because it is ingrown so far down the nail. It's not a very comfortable thing! I did put medicine on it after my first attempt to dig it out this morning. I'll have another go this afternoon. I didn't have any problems for 14 months. Why does this keep happening? Don't worry, I'm fine.
These are pictures from our activity on the beach this morning:
I'm glad that things are going well for everyone doing the D&C countdown. It's hard to believe my mission is coming to a close soon! I am going to ask President Gamiette not to move me again. I am really sick of moving. I only have 18 weeks left so maybe he'll let me "die" in peace!
The scripture of the week is Mosiah 5:13, 15.