He was baptised in the morning the day after Christmas. It was great to be at his baptism since I taught him a year ago when I was on St. Maarten before!
Thanks again for sending us the movie ("A Christmas Story"). I think that watching it was every one's favorite part of Christmas Day, other than our calls home of course.
The next few pictures are of the festivities on Christmas Day. I sent them so that you can see what we did.
We sang carols at an old folks home. This is the same old guy I talked to last year!
We played games.
The Stevens' made us a great Christmas dinner. The food was really good. Especially the banana cream pie and the cheese cake!
I also included this picture of all the elders that are serving here on the island of Sint Maarten/Saint Martin right now.
Top row - (L to R) Hickenlooper, Hicken, Larson (ME!) and Warhurst
Bottom row - (L to R) Daines, Manwill, Damm (my comp) and Vance
They are a fun group of guys and I have enjoyed being here with them. Hickenlooper is a pretty weird dude though... He and Daines go home at the end of the transfer 3 weeks from now.
Elder Damm and I had 2 investigators as well as 2 less-active members come this week. That's pretty good when you consider that we had to start from scratch when we got here less than 2 wees ago. Elder Damm is a little frustrated right now because he is the zone leader here and he can't help everyone at the same time. He is really stress but I'll help get him through it. Excluding 1 of the 4 companionships on St. Lucia and including the other 2 English speaking companionships here, he and I had more member lessons than the rest of the companionships in the zone combined. We also had half of the zone's referrals and taught about a third of the zone's total lessons. We have been working really hard!
We are teaching a guy named Edwardo who is 28 years old. He can't read English, just Dutch. So Jeffry Gumbo, the member that picked me up from the airport, goes with us to teach him. We are mostly teaching less-actives and about a half a dozen kids ages 10-17 from part member families.
Things are going well here for us but not for the mission in general. There is a goal to baptize 30 people this week but right now it looks like we will probably end up with around 20. Hopefully we'll be able to find some more people that can get baptized soon!
My toe is still red and the skin is peeling off again. We are walking tons so it has been sore. It is also draining a little bit of clear liquid every day. The worst part about that is that it makes the lint from my sock stick to it! I'm only telling you all this cause I know you want to know whats going on, but I'm not worried about it. I'll keep you updated on it's progress.
The new biggest cruise ship, (Royal Caribbean's Oasis of the Seas), was here last week. It's HUGE! They have to back it in to the dock because it won't fit with the front end in. They had to dredge the bay for about 2 weeks to make it deep enough for it to even pull up to the dock. I did take some pictures but didn't have time to send them with all the other pictures I sent today.
Well, I will start doing a scripture of the week again next week. I thought about it this morning and then forgot to write it in my planner so I don't have one. Sorry.
P.S. Happy new year!