Zone conference was okay. It was weird because President Gamiette wasn't there. Apparently his flight got canceled and so he didn't show up until late Monday night. I was able to do alright with it being in French though. I followed almost of the discussion. The real problem was that the conference went way too long, over 6 hours! That's why we didn't get back to St Martin to email yesterday.
Here is a picture from zone conference. Do you recognize my old friend? It's Elder West!
Guadeloupe was kind enough to show us a rainbow between heavy downpours!
The missionaries looked so good walking down the road until we saw their target!
Three of these Elders go home in a couple months and 1 does not. Can you tell which likes the tv more? (Airport delay)
I think that I am going to stay in Marigot for at least 1 more transfer. I don't think that I will be staying on the French side for the rest of the mission. President Gamiette said that he doesn't think he is going to send me to Guadeloupe or to Martinique. So hopefully in a few months I'll be back on Grenada or some other island.
Daphnie is doing good. She actually spoke in Church on Sunday. I don't know why she is waiting to be baptized. It doesn't make any sense to me. Our other investigators aren't moving much faster because we don't have very many of them. Our primary job this transfer and probably next transfer is to work with less-actives.
So you know, I have lost more weight - 16 lbs. I am now down to 140 which is as low as I have been my entire mission (including Guyana) I don't know what's wrong with me. No, I haven't changed what I am eating but I don't feel hungry. My toe went psycho on me again yesterday. It had a bunch of dry dead skin that peeled off. The mission nurse has an appointment today with the doctor I saw in Trinidad. She is going to call me with the results of the culture. I had a temperature of above 101 for four days this week. The fever is sitting about 100 right now and it hurts to move my eyes. I have 6 cold sores that started on Saturday, and they hurt. They are big holes in my mouth. I also have a sore throat that started yesterday. This has by far been my worst week ever. I'm just sick. What should I do? I'm lacking help on this end. We have no senior couple on the island right now, they are at the English speaking Zone Conference on St. Lucia.
The scripture of the week is Mormon 7:5-9.