These pictures are from Akim's baptism on Saturday. We had a good scare about 20 minutes before it started because Akim wasn't there and when we called his friend (and fellowshipper) we were told that his mom said he couldn't get baptized! Needless to say we freaked out a bit but we went to pick him up. Everything else went really well and he was confirmed yesterday during sacrament meeting.
I'm glad to hear that Elder Rasmussen (senior elder) thinks highly of Elder Montgomery and I. We work really hard and it's a challenge. We do a lot of extra studying everyday so that we can be sure that we are spiritually ready at all times.
We are still working with Patrick (from Nigeria). He could be baptized this Saturday but I don't think he'll be ready. We are going to bring it up but our goal will be for the next week.
We also met a cool guy named Marvin on Monday when we were doing a service project breaking down a fruit stand. We taught him and his family. When we went back on Friday Marvin had a huge smile on his face and told us that he had gotten an answer to his prayer and that he knows the Book of Mormon is true! That was awesome! It's a little difficult to teach at his house though because we are only about 20 yards from the ocean!
I meant to take a picture of our house and the church from the beach so you could see how close we live to the ocean but I forgot to until this morning. I will try and get them to you next week.
I am super excited to go to zone conference next week! I'll get to see Elder Williams again and we'll be on St. Lucia. What could be better?
I have a funny scripture of the week. Its Acts 8:30-31. It's talking about Isaiah. No one can understand him! Then or now!!!