Things are going well here. We had zone conference this week so p-day was pushed to today. I was told about this coming transfer a few weeks ago and originally I was supposed to go to Port of Spain, the capital of Trinidad. Then yesterday I was told that I will actually be staying here on St Maarten for one more transfer and my new companion will be Elder Kelley. We will be in a co-companionship and I will be the new district leader.
I have had a little struggle with some of my companions. Believe it or not the reason that I get frustrated with them is because they are whining and complaining. It's total immaturity when you leave a lesson that didn't go perfect and your companion says that it was a total waste of time because the investigator didn't accept the commitment that you tried to leave him. It's even worse when your companion starts an arguement with someone and then expects you to bail him out. Then, when you don't he gets mad at you! That's the reason that I have had trouble with this most recent companion.
I was super surprised on Monday when I saw Elder Hamilton, my trainer. He came to St. Maarten for 3 days with President Robison for zone conference. I had no idea that he was an Assistant to the President. He came teaching with me for the whole time he was here. We had a great time. We are good friends, we just weren't the best roommates.
The scripture of the week is Alma 33:21-23.