Happy New Year to you as well! Things are slowing down here a lot but now everyone is at work all of the time trying to make up for the time they took off during the holidays.
I haven't moved in with the Frenchies yet actually. Elder Pahio, a Tahitian on the French side, had a little shoving match with some punk over there on Tuesday so they came to us that night. Elder Pahio flew out the next morning for French Guiana. Elder Lines has been with Elder Nielsen and I ever since. Elder Nielsen's family came in on Thursday afternoon so we haven't seen him very much and he was a great hindrance to the work. So it's just been Elder Lines and I for the last couple days. Our new companions get here on Wednesday. Mine is Elder Marshall.
My scripture reading has been really slow this week again. I am only in Alma 2 and Matthew 12.
The scripture of the week is Exodus 12:2. I figured that it would be appropriate considering that it was new year's this past week. By the way, we stayed up and got to see some fire works from our apartment. They were pretty lame but it was fun.
I am sorry to hear about Great-Grandma Larson but I guess that her time was up. One thing that I have learned down here is that Heavenly Father won't take anyone before their time. She lived a good life and it is time that she gets a nice rest. Besides, she is happier than we are now!
No one in our building has revieved mail since before Christmas. I am really hoping that last Christmas package comes today. I am not going to take the tree down until I get to open my presents!!!
Well, I hope to hear from you soon. Can you guys let me know how Aggie basketball is doing? I am missing that a lot!
Check it out! We finished last year with 2012 baptisms! This is a letter from President Robison:
Dear Elders,
This past weekend, the mission baptized 39 souls and confirmed 45 to start the new year! History was made at 6:24 p.m. in Crabwood Creek when the 2008th newest member of the Church was baptized. Four more members were baptized to end the year at 2012. Miracles truly brought each of us here, surrounded us this year and await us in 2009. What an incredible time to serve together in the West Indies Mission. Don't you just love this mission? The Hurrah for Israel this week says it all - a graph of the ten year history of the West Indies Mission.

Now as we look forward to this year, the question is what is the goal....let's stay the course and do our best to head towards 3000. As the year progresses the goal will materialize.
Here are a few suggestions for regrouping and making this year even better using President Hinckley's six b's:
1) Be grateful. The mission was blessed with miracles and they are all due to the Lord.
2) Be smart. You used time wisely this past week. Can you continue to use the Lord's time this way. Read the White handbook monthly and obey its rules.
3) Be clean. You must think clean thoughts to keep the Spirit with you.
4) Be true. You should be loyal to the mission, to your president, to your zone, district & companion. We are a band of brothers. Do not misuse the cell phones or use text messages under any circumstance.
5) Be humble. The miracles we have experienced are because of the Lord. We are merely His servants.
6) Be prayerful. The miracles that lie ahead depend upon your yearning prayers for direction in this work.
May the Lord watch over and bless each of you as together we accomplish even greater goals in 2009.
Love, President Robison