We had a couple of interesting days this week, on Monday it was a national holiday and there was no power on the island for most of the day Tuesday.
Can you believe that you haven't seen me in 7 months? Sometimes it feels like it's been so long and others it feels like a flash. I always try and focus on the fact that I have done 7 instead of looking ahead and seeing 17 still in front of me!!!
On Christmas day, we will study as normal, talk to you, do our weekly planning, sing at a retirement home (my idea), watch a movie with a member family, and then just try and bring cheer to the other members that are single or alone by visiting them and playing games.
I am in Mosiah 2 in my personal study. I have also started the New Testament and I am in Matthew 4.
The scripture of the week is Luke 2:1-21. I bet you were already going to read that one anyway!
Thanks for the stocking full of candy! Well, Merry Christmas!
Talk to you Thursday!
Jonathan sent these pictures today. The first two are from his Branch Christmas Party. He said that it was a blast!
They were super strong members and they fed us a lot.
St. Barth. It was a pretty amazing view from up there!