The work is hard but we had a good week. The island people are nicer than the people in Guyana in some ways but I never realized how unpleasant having a door slammed in your face actually is!
The language thing has been really fun. I can introduce myself and tell people I represent The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in English, French, Creole, and even Spanish. We've found that there are a lot of people from the Dominican Republic here.
I gave a talk yesterday in church on "Teaching by the Spirit". I had to fill about 25 minutes because the other speaker didn't talk very long. There was a couple from Calgary that were visiting and the lady came up to talk to me after and said it was one of the best talks she's ever heard.
On Thursday we had a cool experience. We visited an investigator named Donna and she messed up our lesson plans because she hadn't read the Restoration tract we left with her. We sang a hymn, said a prayer, and then Elder Nielsen just sat there waiting for me to start teaching an unplanned lesson. I felt like I was suppose to read Alma 32 which is about faith. When I asked everyone to turn there, Elder Nielsen said, "That's exactly what I was thinking of". It was a cool experience with the power of the spirit. I shared the same story during my talk yesterday.
My favorite part of church is getting to teach the youth Sunday School class every week. I love teaching!
I wish it could get cold around here! The coldest I can get is by taking a cold shower and then standing in front of a couple of fans while I'm still wet! It's alright though, you get use to being hot. Besides, I have a really nice tan!
The scripture of the week is Alma 32.