It has been an interesting week because I have been in a threesome since Wednesday. That is because Elder Jones, my district leader, got Dengue Fever. He is starting to do better so he should be back to work by Friday, hopefully. [Dengue fever is an acute febrile disease, also known as breakbone fever, which is found in the tropics and Africa, much like Malaria. Dengue is transmitted to humans by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which feeds during the day. It presents with a sudden onset of severe headache, muscle and joint pains, fever, and rash. There may also be gastritis with abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. The classic dengue fever lasts about six to seven days. A variation called dengue hemorragic fever can also cause a tendency to bleed because of a decrease in the number of platlets. Treatment is supportive (wait it out!) with IV fluids to treat dehydration and prevent shock from bleeding. There is not yet a vaccine but there may be one in the near future.]
We had another baptism this week of a lady named Sarah. I got to confirm her yesterday between sessions of conference. I also got to stand in on 2 other confirmations from the area right next to mine of some people that I have helped teach. They are a great couple.
I have now helped bring 10 people into the waters of baptism.
We have 2 more baptisms planned for this weekend. Things are going well right now!
I finished the Book of Mormon this week and I have started again.
The scripture of the week isPsalms 31:23-24.
Periodically Shane & I visit the blogs run by the senior couples in Jonathan's area. We found these 2 pictures on the Myers' blog, a brand new senior couple serving in Guyana. The first is a picture from Jonathan's recent Zone Conference with the quote that accompanied it on their blog.

Jonathan's Neighborhood in Guyana. His apartment is the building with the Red Roof with bright white spot in center screen. He is 4122 miles from home. That's a long way!
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If you want the exact location in the Google Earth program click on the following link then click on the Google Groups link on the next page: Jon's First Apartment.
Now that we have shown you how to locate Jonathan's apartment in Reliance, Guyana we have some interesting news. We received a surprise e-mail from Elder & Sister Larsen, the senior couple in Jonathan's area, that said, "Elder Larson is being transfered to St. Martin, to learn French. The transfer will take place on the 15th give or take a day depending on flights. Letters will be forwarded, but packages are more difficult. He seems excited to learn French, and can fill you in on the details next Monday." That's kind of a surprise. We know that we included a quote from one of his letters a couple of weeks ago about his reading the Book of Mormon in French and trying to get a French copy of Preach My Gospel, but none of us thought he would need to know French soon, if ever! We will try to put together some information on St. Martin in an upcoming post.