We have been asking Jonathan to tell us about his apartment so this morning he sent us two short videos:
He asked us to "tell Uncle Rob that I have some sweet new sunglasses. They're fake Oakly's that I got for $2.50. They beat his Wal-mart specials."
"Anyway, out of time. Love ya, Bye!"
Jon also sent us a copy of a couple of messages that he sent to two of his friends. These are excerpts from them:
"It is pretty here but the sun causes us to forget that. I'm not officially the clerk but I have taken over the job because our branch is a real mess right now. My comp and I are getting along okay. I have received one letter from my grandparents. I've heard they have sent another one so hopefully it will come this week. Speaking of mail, do you remember what I said about not sending packages because it would be expensive to pick them up? One Elder had to pay 540 dollars to get a package this morning. I know that sounds like a lot but it's only $2.70 because of the exchange rate. Basically, as long as the package isn't huge, feel free to send stuff." (I think this is a gentle hint to all of us!)
"Well, that's really all that has happened to me... other than getting chased by a bull, bit by a dog (it only got my pant leg because I jumped out of the way), had someone attempt to rob me and have a drunk guy get mad at me when I "accidentally" broke his unopened 1 liter bottle of vodka."
"We are also struggling with our investigators right now. They enjoy getting drunk because there are no rules here. Almost everyone is either: Hindu, Muslim, Rastafarian or 7th Day Adventist. So pretty much no one wants to listen to us. We are doing our best though. That's all we can do I guess."
Scripture of the week: Mormon 9:27-28