"That river is in a place called New Forest. It's about 25 miles south of Rose Hall if you get onto Google Earth. You won't find New Forest but Rose Hall is there along the coast. Remember that we are East of New Amsterdam!"

Shane asked him if he liked cocunt milk, he said, "The coconut milk was great, some guy named Jerry taught us how to cut them open."

"In the picture with me and the ball, I am soaking wet. We played in the rain for about 3 hours. It was worth it!" In his next e-mail he said that this picture was taken at their apartment.
Then we received a little bit longer message a while later. Some of you got a copy of it as well, but for those who didn't here are a couple of quotes:
"To all of you that told me the West Indies would be sun, sand and surf... i hate you right now! All we have here is sweat, sand-flees and storms. Oh well. I am sure i will get to see some water when i get out of Guyana."
"Well, we are teaching a bunch of people. I think we are having 3 baptisms this weekend. One might get held back if we can't get him married. I hate somethings we do, like wedding counsellor. It's fun planning but when people are at each other's throats... it really bites. Just like those sand-flees. They attach to your ankles and just suck the blood right out. I hate them! Anyway, that's all of the general stuff for this week."
Jonathan also sent a belated Happy Father's Day.
It sounds like the rain and bugs are unpleaseant. But judging from his smile in the pictures, he looks like he is well and enjoying himself.