Early this rainy morning, we got up to take Michael to school so he could leave on his Yellowstone National Park Trip. He was excited for this fun time with his friends, but sad that Jonathan wouldn't be home when he gets back. After Jonathan gave Michael his cell phone to use, the brothers said their goodbyes and it was home again to get hurry and get ready to leave for the MTC.

Amanda came over to say goodbye. She was not able to go with us to the MTC because of her classes and work.

Jonathan found enough time for a few last minutes with his favorite hockey stick.
Sometimes I think he will miss hockey more than us!
Jonathan spent some of the drive to Provo writing thank-you notes and visiting with Great-grandma Larson on the phone. We stopped for lunch at the Panda Express (Jonathan wanted Chinese). We drove past the Provo Temple and into the MTC entrance.

The line of cars with missionaries unloading their suitcases was huge. Jonathan and I took his luggage to a holding area while Shane parked the car. We were told to make sure Jonathan had his immunization record in his pocket and realized we left it home. We called Amanda and she was able to find it and mail it to him!

Jonathan checked in and got his official Missionary Name Tag with a bright orange dot on it. Brady told him it was unofficially called a "Dork Dot"! Pres. Boone called it a "Celestial Dot" and said it entiled him to a few extra hugs during his first few days as a missionary.
After a brief orientation meeting it was quick hugs and goodbyes. With a grin on his face, Jonathan headed for the door marked Missionary Exit and we left through the exit for families. It was definitely a day of mixed emotions. Jonathan was fine, we were not!