Wednesday, November 25, 2009

No Evidence of Osteomyelitis!

Seeking the Lord's help from the beginning, we arranged for our home teachers to visit early Sunday morning to assist in giving Jonathan a priesthood blessing. These brethren also organized a ward fast in his behalf. These prayers, combined with those of many family members and friends, have really made a difference. It has been wonderful to feel so much love and support and we have witnessed the healing power of our Heavenly Father.

In less than 48 hrs after his return, Jonathan had a full battery of lab tests and cultures, x-rays and an MRI of his foot. We were able to obtain expert opinions from a radiologist (his former bishop), an emergency physician (our neighbor and his former Priest Quorum adviser), an orthopedic surgeon (his best friend’s dad), and a dermatologist. He has even been seen by his dentist. We are not exaggerating when we say that dozens of additional doctors, including 3 podiatrists (one is his uncle), nurses, technicians and hospital administrators, have given significant input and assistance to expedite his care. We have been amazed by the willingness of all those we have asked for assistance to interrupt their busy schedules during this holiday week and lend their expertise to help Jonathan.

We are very happy to report that the intial lab tests all looked quite good, which rules out a multitude of systemic problems associated with the reported MRSA organism. However, we were all concerned by his x-rays because the bone at the tip of the infected toe was clearly abnormal. This led to a contrast enhance MRI early Monday morning which thankfully showed no evidence of osteomyelitis, an infection of the bone. The overlying chronic infection in the nail and soft tissues of the toe have been inflaming the surface of the bone causing remodeling, or changes to it's shape.

A procedure was performed on Monday afternoon to remove Jonathan's toe nail and more bacterial and fungal cultures were obtained. As we understand it, now that his nail has been removed, they feel that we will be able to erradicate the chronic infection. It is hoped that by the time his first cultures are reported early next week, there will be real improvement in his toe.

Overall, Jonathan looks good. Of course he does have some pain in his toe from the removal of the nail, but it appears to be healing. He no longer has a fever or sore throat and the ulcers in his mouth are nearly gone.  His appetite is returning and we are trying to feed him all of his favorite foods. His energy level is improved and he tells us that he wants to be back in the mission field in time for the next transfer on December 9th. So far, all medical indications are that this is a very reasonable expectation.

Despite being busy with medical examinations, tests, and procedures, Jonathan is still very much a missionary. On Sunday, he spoke about his love of missionary work in both the Priest’s and Deacon’s Quorums in our ward. He had interviews with our bishop and stake president (his acting mission president) and the decision was made to not obtain a medical release at this point. Under the direction of our stake president, he is maintaining his usual daily schedule as closely as possible, arising at 6:30 AM, joining in our family study of Preach My Gospel as well as his daily personal study and journal writing. He continues to wear his white shirt, tie, and nametag. We went to the Logan Temple with him yesterday and he was able to participate in seaings for the first time as well as perform an endowment. He is also doing FamilySearch Indexing. During spare moments he often gravitates toward our music room and we find him playing hymns on the piano. He has really had a wonderful effect upon the spirit in our home!

Again we thank you for your prayers and support.

Shane & Carole Larson