Monday, May 10, 2010

We help people come unto Christ.

Happy Mother's Day everyone! It was fun talking to the family yesterday.

There was an article in the Liahona recently about converts in Africa. It was cool to read because a guy that Elder Montgomery and I baptized in Grenada last August, Patrick Onimisi James, is back in Africa. He is a great guy and will help spread the gospel of Jesus Christ back at home. When we were teaching him he told us that when he lived in Africa he would go by one of our chapels everyday on his way to school and wondered what it was. He has really progressed in his testimony and knowledge of the gospel. He was even teaching institute before his visa expired and he had to go back home.

When we were visiting with Toya last Monday she made the comment that she wasn't going to come to church any more once Elder Barker and I left the island. We literally stood up that moment and told her that we were there to help people come unto Christ and to teach them the principles and doctrines that would allow them to return to live in the kingdom of God. We told her that when she was ready to exercise her faith and show that she truly desires to change her life, then we would come back and teach her again. I know we surprised her. We kept our word and didn't make contact with her for 6 days! We were so happy when she showed up at church yesterday full of smiles and ready to learn. After church we went by her house with our branch president and taught her a wonderful lesson. We will be resuming our normal lessons this week and try to extend an invitation for her to be baptized on the 22nd.

I have reached my goal and finished reading the Book of Mormon 8 times now on my mission. The main things that I have learned include how careful we need to be of falling into pride. Also, reading it so many times helped me be able to remember and piece together so many different verses to use in the situations that we find ourselves in as missionaries. The Book of Mormon is the best thing that can help people out, but if we don't read it and know it then it doesn't do us any good.

I am trying to finish reading the Old Testament before I get home. I will start Leviticus tonight. I thought you would like to know that while I've been on my mission I've read the New Testament, Jesus the Christ, the Bible Dictionary, the Articles of Faith (the book not the list), True to the Faith, Our Search for Happiness, Our Heritage and a few other missionary books that I can't recall all the names of at the moment. Put it this way, I have always been reading something!

It is a little difficult sometimes with Elder Barker and I both leaving for home at the same time. We are actually doing much better than I expected and we'll keep working until the end! Elder Barker's parents and I believe 2 of his 4 siblings are coming down to get him. They are very excited! They will be in Trinidad for a couple of days, then spending a couple of days in Grenada and will spend the last few in Guyana. What an adventure for them! I'm excited for our family to visit the mission next spring.

My ankle isn't giving me too much trouble. It's just a hassle more than anything. We are having a district meeting up in Castries tomorrow and all of us have conspired to make it ugly-tie-Tuesday!

The scripture of the week is 2 Nephi 4:20-25.